My friend Shelly posted this article on Facebook, America’s 25 Most Hated Foods. Of course I had to check it out. I like 22 out of the 25 hated foods. It’s obvious that this girl likes to eat.

Topping the hated list is Mayo. Why?!? I love Hellmann’s mayonnaise. I’m not a fan of Miracle Whip (it’s too sweet), but Hellmann’s real mayo is awesome. It’s great in all kinds of yummy dishes, and it’s perfect for dipping french fries.
Next is Eggplant. How is that possible? Eggplant Parmesan is so yummy, and grilling it is another scrumptious option.
#3 – Avocado. Come on people. Avocados are hated because they look spoiled? I could see if they smelled spoiled. Homemade guacamole is the best. Not to mention, avocados make yummy spreads for sandwiches.
#4 – Tofu. Well, I could see this on a hated list. I’ve never cooked with it, but I’ve had it in yummy soups and chili’s. So good.
#5 – Anchovies. Not a fan. This is one of those foods I’ve never grown to like. I try it every once in awhile to see if my tastes have changed, but anchovies are not good (period).
#6 – Spinach. Spinach? What the hell. Spinach is awesome. Loaded with vitamins. I use spinach in soups, eggs, pizza, salads, and even sandwiches. Love spinach.
#7 – Turnips. These are great mashed, roasted, in soups. Very good.
#8 – Black Licorice. Not a fan. That’s all I have to say about that.
#9 – Tuna Fish. I can’t eat it out of the can, but I love it when I dress it up in a salad wrapped in a pita.
#10 – Onions. Onions are the spice to life. I think people are closet onion lovers. They just can’t handle the bad breath. – Eat a mint. I can eat a raw onion like an apple.
#11 – Buttermilk. I can’t drink it out of the carton, but mixing it for yummy salad dressings, mashed potatoes, and pancakes makes this a feel good food.
#12 – Raisins. These are great in salads and muffins.
#13 – Oysters. I’ll grant you that they are not the prettiest thing, but add some good-chilled vodka, and you’ll forget oysters are slimy. I also make a mean Oysters Rockefeller.
#14 – Green Peas. I do like my veges, and peas are oh so good.
#15 – Sour Cream. Sour cream makes for yummy dips. Always have it in my refrigerator.
#16 – Cottage Cheese. Love cottage cheese. Add some fruit and it’s a great healthy dessert.
#17 – Broccoli. How can anyone say they don’t like broccoli. Another great source for vitamins. It’s great in eggs, or just steamed with some sea salt. Yum!
#18 – Spam. The poor-man’s meat. It’s not healthy for sure. And, did you ever read the ingredients? However, I love it fried with eggs.
#19 – Brussel Sprouts. Glazed with butter in a skillet, these bad boys are awesome!
#20 – Beets. It’s not my favorite thing in the world, but a few slices in a salad are not so bad.
#21 – Okra. I’ve never had okra, but this article is going to make me find a good recipe to try.
#22 – Eggs. I eat at least one egg a day. I always have hard-boiled eggs in my refrigerator for those grab and go kind of mornings. Eggs are awesome.
#23 – Mushrooms. I can understand the texture thing. Not to mention, it’s fungus; not a pretty name to be associated too. Nonetheless, I love cooking with mushrooms, and all kinds of mushrooms. Stuffed portabella is my favorite.
#24 – Lima Beans. Heart Lima bean soup. I even cut up a raw onion to eat with it.
#25 – Liver. Another food that I can understand the dislike. Liver is a difficult thing to cook. It’s rare that I like it, but my sister makes an awesome liver and onions. That’s about the only time I’ll eat it.
As you can see, I like 95% of the hated foods. I will try the okra someday soon – just to see if I agree. You can click on the food links for cool recipes.
What foods do or don’t you like?
like everything but tofou……………..