smoothie preparation

Frozen Fruit Smoothie


We’re big on fruit smoothies. I make one just about every day. I would really like to add beer, but this is for breakfast after all. Ha!

frozen fruitSAM’s Club has yummy produce. I buy bulk fruits, clean them, and toss in a Ziploc freezer bag. We always have blueberries, strawberries and bananas on hand.

smoothie preparationInstead of ice, I use frozen fruit to make it rich and thick. I use one cup of milk, a scoop of protein powder (optional), and whatever fruit that tickles my fancy. Toss it in a blender until blended. Done!

Sometimes I add in a spoonful of peanut butter. Very. Delicious.

breakfast smoothieA smoothie for breakfast really jump starts the day, and only takes five minutes to whip up.

Be creative! What do you like?